List of products by vendor Louve Florist


Red roses x4
Pink roses x5
Baby breath with
Pink and transparent wrapping paper

Four red roses and four pink roses adorned with white Baby’s Breath, finished with a clear wrapping and wide ribbon. Two sets of four roses were chosen to deliver not just a pleasing contrast, but also give meaning to this bouquet’s name. Four roses have been traditionally used to express how the couple is destined to be.


Red roses x5
Baby breath with light pink and beige wrapping paper

Just Rose is is our casual take on the classic bouquet. It consists of five red roses adorned with Baby’s Breath. Beige wrapping paper accentuates the rose arrangement more subtly, suitable for someone who prefer a more gentle aesthetics. Great for any occasion for a loved one, a significant other, or a close friend.


Red roses x5,
Pink roses x5 and
Leaves with beige wrapping paper

“A perfect ten”. Nothing says perfection like our Devil’s Love rose bouquet. The intensity of five red roses is then complemented with the grace and sweetness of five pink roses, wrapped in beige for an overall subtle arrangement that can also be evocative. The even split creates less visual clutter but also gives a sense of duality to the romantic message. “Quite the devil” as people say.